Thursday, April 26, 2007

A ramble to all mothers (you'll get this)

So I guess our blog is a lot like our house...decorated mainly with pictures of family. Once I realized this I decided I needed my own blog to write (ramble) more about our daily life so people can get to know us better. Maybe we'll get more free pity dinners/babysitting??

Today was a long but really short day. I just barely accomplished all the things I try to accomplish every day and don't really love doing...yet I wish I had accomplished more. Does that make sense? Jay is out doing Elders Quorum stuff and, although I never want him to leave I have realized it's for the wrong reasons. I need him so that I can tell him all the things that need to be done around the house while my own two hands are busy. He's so good to me. He never complains and just takes one look at my face and says "What can I do?" Sometimes I wonder if he feels like my slave... Bought and Paid for!!! (I could get in trouble with comments like that on the internet). This Saturday he wants to go target shooting with his Dad. As he was asking permission (hee hee) I just sort of gave him a look like, "Do whatever you want, I don't care but know that I am NOT going to be happy about it". Then he says "I'll take Payton and even Katrina with me if you like." It's not at all that I don't want to be stuck home with the kids while he's having fun, it's that I'm stuck home with the kids while he's having fun! I don't have fun things to do! I could sit around and breastfeed for awhile, get pooped on, puked on, clean up spilled milk and bacon grease off my floor, wipe a snotty nose 50 times, administer allergy, asthma, and cold medicines, tell my kids to go outside and play or I'm gonna spank their buns and make some cornmuffins to go with a crock-pot bean soup. (that's just some of what I did today). I guess I'm not irritated that he's GOING to have fun, it's that he GETS to have fun. I wish I had some girlfriends that like to play Basketball, go for nightly jogs, jam on instruments, hmmm what else... Sadly that's all I can come up with without having to think really hard. I just want to do activities that don't involve children. I love them dearly but the less I take care of myself the more I resent them. I am so grateful for so many things and ungrateful for probably many more. I will try to be more positive. I resolve to write each day (If I'm able) about something I am grateful for. I'm gonna start a gratitude journal. If you read this blog, start one of your own and we'll link up and start a really fun trend. The rules? No whining/complaining/sarcastic/cranky buns people allowed (like myself) (starting GET BACK IN YOUR BED AND QUIT CALLING MY NAME AND IF YOU SNORT WAY DEEP INTO YOUR NASAL CAVITIES ONE MORE TIME I'M GONNA POUND YOU OVER THE HEAD REPEATEDLY WITH YOUR INHALER!!! (Ok


Anonymous said...

Oh Joalea, you're so funny!
I love your idea of writing about what you're grateful for! I'm going to start doing that on my blog.

Katrina said...

Joalea! I just spent entirely too much time reading through your blogs. I should be wrapping gifts instead but I couldn't help myself. I miss you and your cute family! I SO relate all you've expressed here and one of these days I might have to copy you and start a gratitude blog. Great idea! Merry Christmas!

PS Can I make you one of my blogging buddies? :)