Friday, April 27, 2007

Today it's Television

Today I am grateful for Television. How else is a poor sick child supposed to pass the time away when mom has a dental appointment and grocery shopping to do and Dad has to work in his office? Although Payton loves school....if you gave him a choice of stay home and watch TV all day, that would be his choice. He's always been a bit of an addict. Probably my own fault. I feed his habit. I'm his supplier. Actually, in the school year he honestly only watches about 3 hours of Television a week and it's ALL done on the weekend. We'll make up lost time over summer vacation I'm sure :)
His asthma/allergies (or is it a cold?) are really bad today. We may need to take him to the doctor if his cough doesn't get under control soon. Has anyone ever had cough medicine actually work for their child?? I don't know if it just doesn't work on asthmatics but it's never cured a cough for any of my kids and I've tried a bazillion. I wonder how much a bazillion really is? Maybe I'll delve into that another day.

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