Monday, September 1, 2008

Food from scratch

I remember when the penny gumball machines disappeared from the local drugstore. I also remember when that drugstores ice cream was no longer sold for $.35/scoop. I remember when beef noticeably began to rise in cost due to the fad diets that promoted lots of red meat. However, I have never seen so many items rise in costs all at the same time as I have in this economic crisis. Maybe it's because I've always been a stickler about food costs. I'm the girl who reads the fine print, calculates the cost/oz. and never let's the supermarket pull one over my eyes with their "deals". So with my knowledge of what I pay for almost every item in my cart, it sickens me to see how much the cost of food is rising.

I'm grateful that before it turned bad, I had felt impressed to start learning to make a lot of things from scratch. From my bread, to my potstickers, I prefer to make the real deal instead of buying artificial nastiness. It doesn't save me a THAT much money since flour and fresh foods rises in costs with everything else, however, I feel good in knowing that I am feeding my family healthy, better for you food. It also feels good to know that I am making a stand against those companies that create "cancer in a box". K, there's no proof in that I just thought it had a cool ring to it.

I can't make everything from scratch, but I am resolved to keep trying. Lunchmeat is one I HATE, but have to have. Maybe I'll raise my own chickens and slaughter, pluck, and roast them for my kids sandwiches! Would you put it past me?


Anonymous said...

Hi I wrote an ebook on gratitude via Glad to find someone else who knows gratitude is a great attitude.

Trisha said...

I envy you and making things from scratch. I love to cook and bake from scratch the most I can.
Have you thought about getting your meats at a butcher. Jarom and I get all our meat from a butcher by his work and we save so much money and my freezer stays full longer so I don't have to buy it every few weeks. I enjoy shopping at the farmer's market as much as I can for my produce, although I have to admit that we never took advantage of all the orchards up there.
Go get 'em girl!

Anonymous said...

You? Joalea? Are you talking about slaughtering and plucking chickens? YOu? The same daughter I used to go looking for just before dark and find you SLEEPING in the chicken pen with the chickens perched on top and all around you? That girl? NOT!!