Saturday, October 11, 2008


I have never been involved much in politics. I know it's bad but most of the time I just mark the "republicans" and rarely research who or what I am voting for. This year it has been different. Since the church is actively campaigning to get Proposition 8 passed, I have been actively involved, studying facts, reading the issues and talking to people about it. You can read about why I support Prop. 8 here at my family blog.

I've been trying to be more informed. I've been trying to watch the debates, follow the news, and all I see is a few very good liars...I mean politicians...who twist the others words so that they look good and the other person looks bad. I know who I need to vote for but I am not very happy with my only choice. Just sort of choosing the lesser of two evils...or was it weevils? (Ha ha, Jay will get that won't you sweetie?)

I get so sick of the bickering and finger pointing at the running mates. Don't they get that this annoys the crap out of people? The tactic must be proven to work or else I can't imagine that they would all submit to it. I swear though, if just 1 politician would stick to the issues and not stoop to slandering his opponent he would have a lot of votes.


Trisha said...

I'm with you Joalea. I hate all the slandering and finger-pointing. It drives me nuts and just irritates me, I guess that is one reason I've stuck my nose in a book more lately.

Kristi Brausch said...
