Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Grateful for Lysol

Yup; The stomach flu has hit the Huhtala household in full force. Since Sunday afternoon I have been cleaning barf, butts, bowls, tubs, toilets, and done about 10 loads of laundry. The big kids are great...except for a few accidents they keep it in the bowls. The baby however...he starts to barf, and then he freaks out, and he starts crawling around, and tossing his head back and forth when you try to direct him into a bowl and there is just barf flyin everywhere! Poor baby :( He hasn't eaten in over 2 days and finally was able to hold down 3 crackers for dinner tonight. It's going to take me 2 months to get the weight back onto him.

Bella and I are the only ones who it hasn't hit yet. I count my blessings that Bella was not sick the same time as Tyson cuz she is just as "bowl challenged" as a 1 year old. Usually she doesn't bother to get up but rather just turns her head to the side and barfs all over her hair and bed.

I'm so grateful to be healthy and strong so that I can spend every waking hour cleaning contagious, infectious, intestinal viruses. Usually I get sick when all the kids are better and no longer nap for 4 hours out of exhaustion but rather can't sleep because of all their new found energy! And since my husband has stayed home sick to take care of his weak immune system, there will be too much work to make-up to stay home when I get sick! (Can you tell I'm in that cranky/sarcastic mood?!)

Truly, although I want someone to baby and take care of me for awhile, I in no way desire to visit the porcelain facility face first. I'm going to hope that my trusty iron-clad immune system holds true. (That comes from being raised in a family of 9 kids...just you try and introduce a new strain into this body! It's had em' all!)

Kudos to my mother who I remember at one time had I think 8 throwing up children and was sick herself....now THAT is something to complain about!

1 comment:

Kristi Brausch said...

Ewww! Bummer! I think Moms need to get awards for stuff like that. Or maybe a candy bar or something. I'll pray for you to have a nice peaceful quite day with your kids. You could use a quite day with your kids.

I hope that nasty virus passed you by.