Monday, June 11, 2007

What do people do without Grandmas?

I'm so thankful for my mother and my mother-in-law. The past few Sundays have been INSANE for me for some reason. A certain spirited first-born has suddenly decided that he absolutely doesn't have to listen to ANYTHING I ask him to do and that he wants to see just how many buttons he can push before I'll drag him out of sacrament meeting. He's always been a little on the difficult side when his energy levels are high but he's not known for being defiant and.....just plain nasty. Needless to say, I haven't been really positive about Sundays and church these past few weeks and announced to Jason that I would no longer be attending sacrament meeting. Not only would my sanity remain intact but Bella would get a nap before church, Tyson could actually eat before we go and not in the middle of the meeting and I wouldn't have to pull a child (who's hanging onto a pew) out of sacrament meeting. I'm sure your now wondering what this has to do with mothers. Well my mom called me Sunday morning at just the perfect time (like she always does) when I feel like reality is slipping and I need to vent BAD (to someone who is non-male and doesn't say the words "I'm sorry" over and over again). So of course she listened, made me laugh, tried to help me come up with solutions and gave me some ideas to try (I mean she had 9 children to deal with all on her own during sacrament meeting). Then she called me and listened again at the end of the day and reassured me that I am a good mother and that I will get through this childs behavioral problems. She always seems to know when to call and I swear she stays up at night trying to solve all my problems. She never judges me and is always building me up. How blessed I am to have this kind of mother.

Now for the Mother-In-Law. What a selfless person she is. Anytime she is needed she drops everything to help. When I get sick she brings groceries and dinner (she lives over an hour away). She has been to more of Tysons doctor appointments than Jay has. Whenever she takes Payton and Katrina for the weekend she comes and gets them AND brings them back at the end. She just tries to help make our lives as stressless as possible. And man does she love her grandkids. I sometimes think that this woman is more in love with my children than I am. Seriously she goes through withdrawals if she goes a weekend without seeing them. So I had an appointment with a cardiologist today for Tysons murmur and she called this morning to say that she would come to the hospital to help with the kids. I informed her (through Jason) that it would be totally miserable and could be long and there was no way she needed to come all that way on her day off when I could make Jay do it ;) But come she did, and was I ever grateful. Tyson had to register at one station, get an e.k.g. at another one, and see a doctor at another one. It was a lot of waiting, walking and trying to calm an infant who was sick of being messed with. It would have been horrible with even 1 of my kids let alone all of them. She played with them outside, they walked around the hospital, and then she took us all to Red Lobster afterwards. What could have been a disaster was actually a good day.
I'm so thankful for Grandmas :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy can I understand how you feel. I was so lucky to have a grandma like your mother-in-law is. She was with us so often. We have so many wonderful memories of her. I grew up with her as my best friend. And though she's not here on the earth now, I sure feel her with me. Your children are lucky to have such fantastic grandma's!