Monday, June 4, 2007

I wish I had a rewind button

Cuz my life is just so dang peachy keen that I wish I could just rewind the day and do it over and over and over and over again!!!! Oh wait......I DO THAT. (and I'm so very grateful.)


Anonymous said...

You are just too dang cute! Loved chatting with you Sunday!

Trevor and Kimmie said...

Okay, that's funny Hu.

Anonymous said...

I totally know how you feel. I have days like that. Where the dishes never end the kids are always hungry and the hubby always needs more clean underwear.

But what would we do with ourself other wise? :-D

Huhtala Family said...

Tell me about it....I mean could the kids just prepare their own meals already?? I still remember my 20 yr. old brother asking my mother to please cut his steak for old times sake :) They really will appreciate us some day....